
Showing posts with the label #Lsquo

Pick up the tense, riveting horror in ‘The Black Phone’51501656

Pick up the tense, riveting horror in ‘The Black Phone’ Ingeniously plotted, with vivid, often nasty characters, “The Black Phone” is one terrific tension-producing nightmare that won’t let you look away.

‘Varsity Blues’ moms, dads jet-setting again – except one who once claimed ‘cardiac’ shock201094310

‘Varsity Blues’ moms, dads jet-setting again – except one who once claimed ‘cardiac’ shock “It would be a perverse result to allow the defendant to be released from custody to attend and celebrate the higher-education accomplishments of her children,” Rollins wrote, “ev…

‘I did what I did’: Man says he posted shocking video of SkyTrain tunnel graffiti break-in79403143

‘I did what I did’: Man says he posted shocking video of SkyTrain tunnel graffiti break-in A Vancouver graffiti writer says he has no regrets about sharing video online of a SkyTrain tunnel being tagged. Meanwhile, Metro Vancouver Transit Police are investigating.

Dodger wins now getting the ‘Club Dub’ treatment1818526357

Dodger wins now getting the ‘Club Dub’ treatment Veteran Justin Turner ordered a smoke machine and disco lights and enlisted Mookie Betts to add his DJ skills so the Dodgers don’t take wins “for granted.”